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Calming Clays Summer Soap
Calming Clays Summer Soap
Calming Clays Summer Soap
Calming Clays Summer Soap
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Calming Clays Summer Soap

Regular price Rs. 250.00 Rs. 0.00 Unit price per

Calming Clays Summer Soap

 Kaolin clay has cleansing properties that can remove dirt and impurities from your skin pores that lead to acne , blackheads, whiteheads & breakouts. It is gentle to use on your skin, and cleans your skin without making it dry and dull.

 Multani Mittiworks on removing dead cells from the skin,making your skin to look fresh, absorbs skin excess oils, sweat, dirt and helps in control of Pimples. It removes scar marks.

These Natural clays will exfoliate and lighten the dark armpits effectively,

Kaolin clay can detox your underarms by absorbing dirt, sweat & stop the odor-causing impurities.


 for hot humid climate, use the earthen way to calm, the earthen clays absorbs sweat, oil, dirt, saves from build up of bad odour in can be used by kids, ladies & also pls suggest your male members to use. They also face alot in hot summer heat